Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

  1. Howard, Ann. “Who Reaches for the Golden
    Handshake?” Academy of Management Executive 2, no.
    2 (1988): 133–44.

  2. Ibid., p. 134.

  3. Howard. “Who Reaches for the Golden Handshake?”

  4. Ibid.

  5. Ibid., p. 140.

  6. Howard. “Who Reaches for the Golden Handshake?”

  7. Player, Mack A. Federal Law of Employment
    Discrimination in a Nutshell, 3rd ed. St. Paul: West
    Publishing Co., 1992; Mitchell, Charles E. “Waiver of
    Rights Under the Age Discrimination in Employment Act:
    Implications of the Older Workers Benefit Protection Act
    of 1990,” Labor Law Journal 43, no. 11 (1992): 735–44.

  8. Howard. “Who Reaches for the Golden Handshake?”

  9. Hoerr, John, and Wendy Zellner. “A Japanese Import
    That’s Not Selling,” Business Week (February 26, 1990):

  10. Kochan, Thomas A., John Paul MacDuffie, and Paul
    Osterman. “Employment Security at DEC: Sustaining
    Values Amid Environmental Change,” Human Resource
    Management 27, no. 2 (1988): 121–43.

  11. Burke, Steven. “PC Operations Spared the Worst of
    IBM’s Cost-Cutting Programs,” PC Week 6 (December
    11, 1989): 1, 6.

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