Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

SSttrraatteeggyy (^) IImmpplleemmeennttaattiioonn:: RReewwaarrdd aanndd
DDeevveellooppmmeenntt SSyysstteemmss (^)
The seventh component of the conceptual framework
presented in the Preface deals with strategy implementation
through the use of reward and development systems. Reward
systems provide the incentives and reinforcement for workforce
behaviors that contribute to the implementation of strategies
while development systems provide the workforce skills
required for implementation. This section begins with a
discussion of performance measurement systems, which
provide the information required for allocation of rewards and
developmental needs. Next, following a discussion of the
limitations of traditional compensation systems, there is a
discussion of strategically oriented compensation systems,
including skill-based pay, team-based pay, broadbanding,
variable compensation, and executive compensation. The
section then discusses employee development approaches,
including various training programs and methods,
apprenticeships, management development approaches,
management development for international assignments, and
the strategic fit dilemma of whether to focus on selection or
development of managers.

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