Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

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Evaluators in 360-degree feedback systems can include
superiors, peers, subordinates, and even major customers. By
using evaluations from each of these constituencies, a much
more comprehensive picture of a manager’s developmental
needs can be obtained. In addition, because the ratings in
360-degree feedback systems can be anonymous, a much more
honest evaluation may be possible. The 360-degree feedback
system also is better suited to the interdependent nature of
many of today’s organizations, which are decreasing their
reliance on centralized control and hierarchical decision

As with any system, there can be problems with the
implementation of 360-degree feedback systems. For example,
the 360-degree feedback system is supposed to be more
appropriate for developmental purposes than for appraisal
purposes. Nonetheless, they are sometimes used for
performance appraisal where anonymity and breaches of
privacy can become major issues. Because so many people are
involved in 360-degree feedback systems, there is substantial
likelihood that evaluators will discuss the ratings with others
and violate the manager’s privacy. Thus, there are real

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