Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

executive work. It should also include clarification of
organizational goals, discussions of how success will be
defined, and assessment of the executive’s management style.
Also, the process should be a regularly occurring activity and
should be based on both process considerations and

Effectiveness of Performance Measurement

Human resource managers are sometimes criticized for the
attention they place on the format of evaluation instead of the
management of the evaluation process. Even the most
unsophisticated evaluation approach can be effective while the
most sophisticated can be ineffective. When employees
understand the dimensions of performance on which they will
be evaluated, know that they are being evaluated on relevant
aspects of their jobs, view the evaluation process as valid, feel
that their evaluations are fair, and see reward contingencies,
they will “buy in” to the evaluation system. At this point, the
evaluation system can help strategy implementation. Further,
performance evaluation will have a greater impact on strategy
implementation when evaluators make meaningful distinctions
among different levels of performance. Unfortunately, there
have always been political aspects of performance evaluation
that reduce its effectiveness, such as when evaluators rate
subordinates lower than they deserve in order to establish

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