Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

group is at odds with job rotational approaches for new
managerial employees. In rotational program approaches,
trainees may be rotated from one functional area to another
after assignments of two or three months. Only after
completion of the rotational phase are trainees given a
permanent assignment. The logic of such approaches is that
the trainees will have a broader understanding of the company
and how the components fit together. One means of reducing
the turnover associated with rotational programs is to move
new trainees in pairs or small groups to each new temporary
assignment. In this manner, they have some peer group
support and can begin to develop permanent friendships and
support systems within their group. They also should be
assigned “real” work, which provides a challenge and receive
frequent and timely feedback.^62

Coaching consists of the day-to-day feedback, instruction,
and advice provided by the employee’s supervisor. Some
observers have noted that the first supervisor is very critical to
an employee’s career. This is because basic values,
performance standards, confidence in one’s proficiency, and
skills are developed by the first supervisor. Unfortunately, the
importance of this assignment is often overlooked and
opportunities are lost when new employees are assigned to
mediocre supervisors.^63

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