Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

responses then receive positive reinforcement from the
computer and incorrect responses are diagnosed, followed by
additional instruction until the correct response is learned.^67 An
example of such training is provided by the American Airlines
Flight Academy, which uses such an approach for transition
training, in which pilots and flight engineers learn to operate
another type of aircraft. It also is used for upgrade training,
such as in the case of flight engineers preparing for copilot
duties.^68 An example of this training is provided in the following:

American’s Flight Academy, adjacent to Dallas/Ft.
Worth International Airport, has 85
microcomputer high-resolution, color touch-
screen monitors linked with audio tapes and slide
projectors to present coursework and testing for
pilots’ transition training... A pilot beginning the
day goes to the library and pulls the binder
containing the program he or she is to work on
that day... tapes, a slide tray, and a script...
There are generally about 60–70 programs for a
transition course, each lasting about 8–10 min.,
explaining the nature of a specific aircraft system
or set of controls... After each presentation,
with the pace controlled by the pilot, the
crewmember is tested to determine whether he
or she can do what is required, such as set up
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