Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

by the absence of networking relationships for good jobs.
Apprenticeship programs provide employment relationships,
networks, and mentorships that help build good work habits
and self-esteem.^80

Interestingly, as good jobs offering career prospects for
young people in the United States have become increasingly
bleak for those without extensive education, there is some
attention on apprenticeship programs. U.S. employers facing
competition from Germany, Japan, and China have great need
for technically qualified workforces and may become the
champions of apprenticeship programs. For example, Sears has
been involved in a pilot apprenticeship program in appliance
repair. In the program, students attend high school half of the
day and then, during the other half, participate in an
apprenticeship program designed by Sears. The program is
paid for by their high school and a grant of federal money
through the National Alliance of Business. Other apprenticeship
programs are being conducted for surgical technicians, medical
secretaries, metalworkers, accountants, and printing. Such
programs should counter employer complaints that high school
graduates do not have the knowledge required in today’s more
technological work environment. Unfortunately, in the United
States, as contrasted with Germany and Britain, there is no
comprehensive system for administering apprenticeship
training. The German program is well integrated into the

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