Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

educational system. In Britain, students of ages 16 and 17 who
have discontinued their schooling are guaranteed two years of
such training.^81

Management Development

Approaches to management development commonly emphasize
job rotation through successively more responsible positions.
Unfortunately, past organizational restructuring has eliminated
many positions in the middle-management training ground. It
may be challenging to groom managers for top-level positions
in organizations in which middle-management positions have
been eliminated.^82 As a result, there may be more management
development efforts in the future that utilize rotating
leaderships of task forces or product development teams.

However, one of the most commonly used approaches of
management development is still the rotation of managers
through successively more responsible positions or a
combination of broadening assignments and vertical
assignments. A departure from these traditional rotational
programs involves cross-functional assignments.

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