Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

CASE 4-2 continued

  1. Randall S., and Vandra L. Huber. Personnel and
    Human Resource Management, 5th ed.
    Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN: West Publishing Company,
    1993, p. 437.

  2. Collier, Gene. “Living Wage? Some Are Living Large,”
    Pittsburgh Post-Gazette (May 3, 2000): E-1.

  3. Wilhelm, Paul G. “Application of Distributive Justice
    Theory to the CEO Pay Problem: Recommendations for
    Reform,” Journal of Business Ethics 12, no. 6
    (1993): 469–82.

  4. Kay and Robinson. “Misguided Attacks on Executive Pay
    Hurt Shareholders.”

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