Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Four

  1. Shirfrin, Carole A. “American Meets Pilot, Fleet Increase
    With Computer-Intensive Instruction,”
    Aviation Week and Space Technology (June 13, 1988):
    139–41. Copyright © 1988 by McGraw-Hill.
    Reprinted by permission of McGraw-Hill.

  2. Ibid., p. 139.

  3. Shirfrin. “American Meets Pilot, Fleet Increase With
    Computer-Intensive Instruction.”

  4. Booker, Ellis. “Grading High-Tech Teaching,”
    Computerworld (February 19, 1990): 114.

  5. Ibid.; Granger, Ralph E. “Computer-Based Training
    Works,” Personnel Journal 69, no. 9 (1990): 85–91.

  6. Goldstein. Training in Organizations: Needs Assessment,
    Development, and Evaluation; Gal, Graham,
    and Paul John Steinbart. “Interface Style and Training
    Task Difficulty as Determinants of Effective
    Computer-Assisted Knowledge Transfer,” Decision
    Sciences 23, no. 1 (1992): 128–43.

  7. Hilton, Margaret. “Shared Training: Learning from
    Germany,” Monthly Labor Review 114, no. 3
    (1991): 33–37.

  8. Lerman, Robert I., and Hillard Pouncy. “The Compelling
    Case for Youth Apprenticeships,” The Public Interest no.
    101 (Fall, 1990): 62–77.

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