Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section Five

offerings (IPOs). The analysis of survival rates included several
control variables expected to affect firm survival. The
researchers utilized an organizational-based reward variable
that captured the firms’ practice of rewarding employees with
profit sharing and stock options as well as gain sharing and
other customized rewards. The variable took on greater values
with more components and broader application to the whole
workforce. Results indicated that the reward variable was a
highly significant and positive predictor of the organization’s

Team-Based Compensat on i

Team-based compensation also has been examined in recent
research. One study examined the differential impact of
bonuses based on the performance of teams. Looking at
bonuses resulting from team performance, the study sought to
determine the impact of bonuses distributed on the basis of
equity (bonuses allocated on the basis of each team member’s
contributions) versus those distributed on the basis of equality
(bonuses divided equally among team members). Data were
obtained from 10 organizations for 57 teams with an average
team size of 13 (team size ranged from 4 to 32). The study
used perceptual measures of team effectiveness, productivity,
and helping behaviors.^17

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