Strategic Human Resource Management

(Barry) #1
Section One


Investments in Disabled Employees

A nontraditional area of human resource investment involves
providing support for programs that return disabled employees
back to the workforce. Frequently, companies deal with
employees who have become disabled by relying on the
company’s long-term disability insurance policy to provide
economic support. Unfortunately, there is little emphasis on
facilitating the employee’s return to the job. In contrast,
companies such as 3M and Eastman Kodak have developed
programs that enable disabled workers to return to work.^93
According to 3M’s rehabilitation program super-visor,
“Returning an employee to work makes good economic sense.
With today’s electronic aids and devices, we can return almost
any worker to most any job.”^94

Aside from the economic motivations for investing in
disabled workers, the law provides additional incentives. The
Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA) requires
employers to make reasonable accommodations for such
workers. In addition to preserving the company’s investment in
the employee, there are obvious humanitarian benefits as well.
Unfortunately, many companies are not aware of the support

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