Relationship Marketing Strategy and implementation

(Nora) #1

detail, especially the circumstances and thinking which led to each
new initiative being introduced.

Learning points

This case study shows how a major motor car manufacturer has
sought to use direct marketing approaches to build a relationship
with final consumers. Many motor car manufacturers have tradi-
tionally viewed marketing as a set of activities directed towards
their direct customers – the dealerships. They have relied on adver-
tising special deals and other promotional events to deal with the
final consumer. Rover have progressively refined an approach to
development of a relationship with the final consumer.

Broad marketing and strategic issues:

● explore strengths and weaknesses of direct mail as a marketing medium
● identify an approach that can be used to create differentiation from
other motor car manufacturers aiming at similar segments
● evaluate direct response advertising, direct mail and promotions as
alternative ways of acquiring purchases
● appreciate the value of being able to quantify the impact of direct mar-
● understand the concept of ‘total cost’ when exploring a direct market-
ing programme.

Relationship marketing issues:

● the problems of dealing with the final consumer when a car manufac-
turer is separated from them by an intermediary – in this case the
motor car distributor
● the development of a lifestyle magazine aimed at different lifestyle seg-
ments and establishing a relationship with them
● developing an approach to warm up potential customers and maintain
a dialogue with existing customers.

The Rover Group has probably had one of the most chequered his-
tories of any major car producer currently still operating in the UK.
It has been innovative in its direct marketing programmes and one
of the first companies to use a lifestyle magazine with different tai-
lored editions aimed at different lifestyle segments. The case
demonstrates how good direct marketing programmes are ones of

The customer market domain: Managing relationships with buyers 59

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