144 8. Trees
nodes and edges we have traversed between the two visits form a cycle.
This contradicts our assumption thatGis a tree and hence contains no
8.2.1Apply the argument above to find a second node of degree 1.
A real tree grows by developing new twigs again and again. We show that
graph-trees can be grown in the same way. To be more precise, consider
the following procedure, which we call theTree-growing Procedure:
— Start with a single node.
— Repeat the following any number of times: If you have any graphG,
create a new node and connect it by a new edge to any node ofG.
Theorem 8.2.2Every graph obtained by the Tree-growing Procedure is a
tree, and every tree can be obtained this way.
Proof. The proof of this is again rather straightforward, but let us go
through it, if only to gain practice in arguing about graphs.
First, consider any graph that can be obtained by this procedure. The
starting graph is certainly a tree, so it suffices to argue that we never
create a nontree; in other words, ifGis a tree, andG′is obtained fromG
by creating a new nodevand connecting it to a nodeuofG, thenG′is
a tree. This is straightforward:G′is connected, since any two “old” nodes
can be connected by a path inG, whilevcan be connected to any other
nodewby first going touand then connectingutow. Moreover,Gcannot
contain a cycle:vhas degree 1, and so no cycle can go throughv, but a
cycle that does not go throughvwould be a cycle in the old graph, which
is supposed to be a tree.
Second, let’s argue that every tree can be constructed this way. We prove
this by induction on the number of nodes.^1 If the number of nodes is 1, then
the tree arises by the construction, since this is the way we start. Assume
thatGis a tree with at least 2 nodes. Then by Theorem 8.2.1,Ghas a
node of degree 1 (at least two nodes, in fact). Letvbe a node with degree
- DeletevfromG, together with the edge with endpointv, to get a graph
We claim thatG′is a tree. Indeed,G′is connected: Any two nodes ofG′
can be connected by a path inG, and this path cannot go throughv, since
vhas degree 1. So this path is also a path inG′. Furthermore,G′does not
contain a cycle sinceGdoes not.
(^1) The first part of the proof is also an induction argument, even though it was not
phrased as such.