236 14. Finite Geometries, Codes,Latin Squares,and Other Pretty Creatures
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FIGURE 14.11. Three errors are too much for the Fano code: flipping the bits
along the dotted line produces another valid codeword.
Going through an argument as above, we can see that
the Fano code is 2-error-detecting: We cannot get a valid code-
word from another valid codeword by flipping 1 or 2 bits.
This implies that
the Fano code is 1-error-correcting.
What this means is that not only can we detect if there is an erroneous
bit, but we can correct it. Suppose that we receive a string that comes from
a valid codewordaby changing a single bit. Could this string come from
another valid codewordb? The answer is no: Otherwise, the codewordsa
andbwould differ in only two places, which is not possible.
The codes we derived from the Fano plane and the Cube space are special
cases of a larger family of codes calledReed–M ̈uller codes. These are very
important in practice. For example, the NASA Mariner probes used them
to send back images from the Mars. Just as the Cube Code was based on
2-dimensional subspaces of a 3-dimensional space, the code used by the
Mariner probes were based on 3-dimensional subspaces of a 5-dimensional
space. They worked with blocks of size 32 (instead of 8 as we did), and could
correct up to 7 errors in each block. The price was, of course, pretty stiff:
There were only 64 codewords used, so to safely transmit 6 bits, one had
to package them in 32 bits. But of course, the channel (the space between
Earth and Mars) was very noisy!
Error-correcting codes are used all around us. Your CD player uses a
more sophisticated error-correcting code (called the Reed–Solomon code)
to produce a perfect sound even if the disk is scratched or dusty. Your
Internet connection and digital phone use such codes to correct for noise
on the line.
14.6.1Prove that a code isd-error-correcting if and only if it is (2d)-error-
14.6.2Show that every string of length 7 is either a codeword of the Fano code
or arises from a unique codeword by flipping one bit (a code with this property
is calledperfect 1-error-correcting).