Handbook of Meat Processing

(Greg DeLong) #1
Curing 129

This water release is called cooking loss
or cookout if fat is also released in fat -
containing meat. Table 6.2 shows that when
a lean meat (pork < 2% fat) is cooked, it loses
28% of its weight as cooking loss or 37.5%
of the water in the meat (Table 6.2 , A). Let
us call this the “ reference cooking loss. ”
Mincing, without any further addition,
reduces the cooking loss by a few percent due
to the more open structure of the minced
meat (Table 6.2 , A to B).
Mixing salt into the minced meat (B to C)
improves its water - holding capacity consid-
erably (only 6% cooking loss). As can be
expected, the addition of water (B to D),
as is common in “ emulsion type ” sausages,
enhances the cooking loss dramatically to




e.g. amino acid compositon of myosin

hydrophilic amino acids:
lipophilic or hydrophobic
amino acids:
Three dimensional schematic structure of a native
protein (bold parts are lipophilic amino acid side
chains, line parts are hydrophilic side chains.The
surrounding environment is water or aqueous salt



Figure 6.7. The effect of heating and salt on meat proteins.

Table 6.1. Cooking loss of lean beef in cubes
of meat of about 100 – 120 g (75% water at p H
5.5) with a heating velocity of 2.5 ° C/min from
7 ° C to the temperatures indicated and kept
there for 40 min

% cooking loss
20 ° C 0
30 ° C 0
40 ° C 2
50 ° C 6
55 ° C 9
60 ° C 13
65 ° C 18
70 ° C 23
75 ° C 28
80 ° C 33
90 ° C 41
100 ° C 45
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