Handbook of Meat Processing

(Greg DeLong) #1
Emulsifi cation 163

K. J. Prusa. 2008. Effects of dried distiller grains with
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Sodium lactate and protective culture effects on
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furters produced with olive oil. Meat Science
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Ellis , and F. K. McKeith. 2005. Effects of different
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2007. Effects of hydrocolloid addition and high pres-
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“ Yor ” (Thai sausage). Meat Science 76 ( 3 ): 548 – 554.


Many thanks to Dr. Christophe Vial and
Pr. Jean - Bernard Gros, both from LGCB,
Polytech ’ Clermont - Ferrand, for supplying
me with useful bibliographical sources.


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Califano. 2006. Storage stability of low - fat chicken
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Barbut , S. 2006. Effects of caseinate, whey and milk
powders on the texture and microstructure of emulsi-
fi ed chicken meat batters. LWT — Food Science and
Technology 39 ( 6 ): 660 – 664.
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The effects of hot - boned fat type, preblending treat-
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loaves. Meat Sciences 23 ( 2 ): 131 – 138.
Benz , J. M. , S. K. Linneen , M. D. Tokach , S. S. Dritz ,
J. L. Nelssen , J. M. DeRouchey , R. D. Goodband , and

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