The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


He stood six foot, five inches tall (almost seven feet with his platform shoes and top hat).
He looked over us as a kindergarten teacher would right before he was about to wow his
ignorant students with his grown up knowledge.

His name was Erik Von Marchovich, better known as “Mystery,” one of the world’s
greatest pick up artists. He was there to teach, and I was there to learn.

After moving to Los Angeles from college, I had begun pursuing my pick-up education
with much vigor. Mystery was the first guy to go around charging people for live, in
field instruction on how to find, meet, and approach women.

Me and twelve other hopeless men sat around him near the pool at The Standard hotel in
Hollywood. I had desperately been trying to seek out a mentor who could teach me how
to meet women, and I was hoping I found him in Mystery.

My love life hadn’t improved much since college, and I found that it all came down to
one factor: My inability to meet women.

Up to that point, I could meet women at parties I went to, and through dating online. But
I felt I was limited in my choices. Parties were few and far in between, especially since I
had left school, and internet dating wasn’t always what it was cracked up to be.

I wanted to be able to go out and meet any woman I wanted, no matter where I was or
what I was doing.

I didn’t know much about Mystery, but from what I had heard, this is what he was able to

“Welcome to Mystery Method!” Mystery announced. “I am Mystery, this is my Method.
Hence, Mystery Method!”

He seemed very proud.

“What I am about to show you is the science of attraction,” Mystery went on. “Yes, it is
a science. Sciences can be taught, learned. My method is a science. Therefore, you will
be able to learn it.”

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