The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Mystery wasn’t what you’d expect from a pick-up instructor. You’d think he’d look like
a Don Juan, male-model type guy. And though he could be considered good looking, he
was far from a Don Juan.

He was adorned almost completely in shiny black PVC clothing. He wore knee-high
boots with three inch platform soles. He wore make-up, and a large top hat. He looked
more like a circus performer than a pick up instructor.

I was just about starting to wonder if this was a joke or not as he pulled out his lap top

“Some of you may be looking at me and thinking I’m a complete fag, walking around
dressed like this,” he said. “Not that I have anything wrong with gay people. My brother
is gay. I love him very much and I’m not afraid to admit it,” he went on as he booted up
his computer. “But it’s understandable you might have some doubts, so I’m going to
show you some of the women I’ve slept with. Proof that I’m not here trying to rip you
off. Now gather around.”

We all got up and stood over Mystery’s shoulder so we could see the pictures he was
displaying on his lap top. Mystery would show us a picture of him with a beautiful
woman and regale us with the story of how he got her into bed.

Some of the women were models. Some were semi-famous. Some were strippers. Some
he’d had threesomes with. Some were only one night stands. Some were girlfriends.
But all of them were attractive.

I couldn’t help but be a little nervous. One thing was clear to me from the beginning: I
was not like Mystery. He was a very different person than I was, and I was not sure I’d
be able to change myself to be like him – even if it meant I’d be giving up the kind of
success he was showing me.

Then, he came across a picture of him, two women, and another man. Both women were
very pretty, but the other man is what caught my eye.

He was short, skinny, with a big nose, and balding.

“Who’s that?” I asked, pointing to the man in question.

“Oh, that’s my wingman Style,” said Mystery. “Style’s excellent. He’ll be here later to
help instruct in the field.”

“Are you serious?” I asked. “That guy is a pick up artist?”

“Of course,” said Mystery. “A really good one, too. Second only to me, I’d say.”

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