The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

At that the girls laughed. I laughed too. I stood there like an idiot for a good two minutes
while the three of them debated who lied more. Finally, the three turned to me and said.
“Men, men definitely lie more.”

“Um, thanks!” I said. Then promptly turned around and made my way back to Style.

“How’d it go?” he asked.

“It was... incredible,” I said. “It was like they didn’t even mind me going up to them.
They actually had a good time answering my question.”

“See? Not so bad is it?” smiled Style. “Now go to that group over there and do the same

“Same thing?” I asked.

“Yep. Then come back to me and tell me how it went.”

That night, I approached five groups of women, and each time I had a positive reaction. I
was hooked. That night started me on the road to becoming an approach machine. A
man who could literally meet any woman, no matter where he was or what he was doing.

What Style showed me that day was the skills I needed to meet women. What I have
done is taken what I’ve learned, and organized it to teach YOU how to meet people.

Obviously, it’s not difficult to meet people. You do it every day. Just a brief exchange
of words, and before you know it, you’ve made a new acquaintance.

But there is an art to meeting someone.

The ability to start a conversation that can lead to a deeper kind of relationship takes a bit
more work than you’re typical “Hi, how’s it going?” line (at least, most of the time).

This is especially true when it comes to women.

For most men (including myself), the prospect of walking up to a beautiful woman and
talking to her with the intention of sleeping with her can be quite daunting.

I’ve known big, tough, burly guys who wouldn’t flinch at the sight of a gun pointed to
their face, but put them in a situation where they have to meet a beautiful girl, and they’re
as worthless as tits on a log (though some would argue that tits are never worthless, but I

So these tactics are for that type of guy.

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