The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

This is where you will approach a girl, and open her, without telegraphing any interest at

Why is this effective? Especially since we already established that most women know
that the man is interested if he approaches in the first place?


It’s because the active disinterest goes CONTRARY to that initial suspicion by the
woman that the guy is there to hit on her.

In short: You are sending mixed signals!

But why act disinterested at all? Why hide your intentions? Obviously, you’re attracted
to the girl, otherwise you wouldn’t be bothering to approach her. But put yourself in their
position for a moment...

Imagine going through your average day, and being approached by a number of people
who compliment you on your looks, your clothing, or an accessory of some sort, all
because they want something from you.

Kind of cheapens those compliments, doesn’t it? Especially when the seventh person of
the day comes up and tells you how cool your purse is.

This is the reality of women, especially beautiful women.

Women know men want to have sex with them. They get untold offers every day to have
sex. Guy after guy will approach with that exact goal in mind. So girls, naturally,
become accustomed to rejecting advances that telegraph intent, much the same way you
might respond to a vagrant asking for change as you walk to work. You know what he is
going to ask and you are prepared not to give it to him.

When you approach a woman and say “Hey baby, lookin’ good tonight,” you are
telegraphing interest in an aggressive manor.

By the same token, when you sheepishly approach and say “Hello. May I please buy you
a drink?” you are not only telegraphing interest, but also doing so in a very wimpy (and
unattractive) way.

But when you enter with disinterest, you are neutral.

You do not telegraph interest while neither coming off aggressive nor coming off wimpy.
You are simply “Neutral.”

This neutrality is important, because it gives you the widest possible palate from which to
paint the rest of your interaction with the woman you are talking to. She suspects you’re

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