The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


As with anything else in life, timing is everything.

When it comes to approaching beautiful women, this couldn’t be more true.

As a general rule of thumb, the quicker you can approach someone after first noticing
them, the better.

Some would say to give yourself about three seconds after spotting a target to choose
your Opener and approach. This is a pretty good guideline to follow, but the reality is,
you can approach someone at any time you please.

The reason you want to approach so quickly is that the longer you take to approach, the
more opportunity you have to talk yourself out of Opening your target, and the stronger
the temptation to stay in your comfort zone becomes.

Here is probably the most important concept to grasp in terms of timing: That of

There’s an old saying that goes:

“He who hesitates... masturbates!”

Well, in terms of picking-up women, that could not be more true. Hesitation is the one
thing that will destroy more opportunities with women than any other single factor you
can think of!

It’s in that dreary period of hesitation where everything that could possibly go wrong
rushes through our brains...

  • What if she doesn’t like me?

  • What if she already has a boyfriend?

  • Will she notice the zit on my forehead?

  • What if she thinks I’m too short?

  • What if she thinks I’m too tall?

  • Blah, blah, blah...

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