The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

I have a good friend who is a great guy and has lots and lots of fantastic stories to tell.
But he often has a hard time meeting women because he speaks so softly that they have a
hard time hearing him. And guess what happens when you can’t hear someone?

You get bored!

If a woman can’t hear you, you’re creating WORK for her. It takes effort to hear
someone who speaks too quietly. And remember, people by nature are lazy. If a woman
can’t hear what you’re saying, her attention is going to wander off elsewhere.

And that means you’ve lost her!

So don’t be afraid to be loud when approaching someone. High volume can convey a
sense of excitement and confidence, and when you combine it with good tonality, you are
projecting all the right signals to portray yourself as a fun, outgoing, and engaging person.

Even if you’re being TOO loud, you’re at least courting attention. Best to be too loud
than to never be heard.

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