The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


Okay, we covered a lot of this in The Art Of Body Language earlier. But be aware that
there is a certain type of body language you want to use when approaching someone for
the first time.

Understand, words are not the only thing we use to communicate with others.

The way we carry ourselves says a lot about us. If we have bad body language, then no
matter what we say, we could be perceived as weak or unconfident -- two major turn
offs for women.

So Body Language is something you need to keep in mind when you are approaching

There are two distinct periods in the approach where you need to be aware of how you
are presenting yourself:

  1. The Walk-Up

  2. The Conversation

The Walk-Up is the period of time where you are physically approaching your target, or
“walking up to them.”

Most guys will approach their target dead on, making for them in a straight line, with
little regard for how aggressive it may look. And while this is a minor point, it can cause
your target’s defenses to go up, so why make your job any harder?

Instead, when you initially walk up to your target, do so at an angle, not dead on. This is
much less aggressive and more under the radar.

Be sure not to face them squarely, since that is rather confrontational. Instead, turn your
body to them slightly to “soften” your approach. Just subtly pointing your shoulder at
your target will do the trick.

The Conversation is the period of time when you actually start talking to your target.

Now that you’ve opened them, you need to appear cool, relaxed, and slightly
disassociated. This can be accomplished by putting your weight on your back foot. Keep

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