The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

some may have had decent stuff to teach, didn’t really address the topic of meeting
women, dating women, and seducing in a real-world practical way as much as they

Meeting women is the first and most important step in any interaction with them. If
you aren’t able to meet them, then you will never be able to interact with them, date them,
or even have sex with them.

The story you read above is a fairly recent one. But back in the day years ago, the
thought of doing what I did in that story was out of the realm of possibility for me.

In short: I was hopeless with women.

Just one look at a beautiful girl with smooth skin, silky hair, and big bright eyes would
freeze me in my tracks!

And through much trial and error, I was able to go from meeting no women at all, to
meeting four to five new ones a day.

Now I find it easy to go out and meet women anywhere I am (something which would
have seemed impossible to the old me).

So that’s why I originally wrote The Art of Approaching. I wanted to share my
experiences with others who have the same problem meeting women I did, and hope that
it could help them.

And I succeeded in that. I’ve gotten emails from guys thanking me because my book
helped them to meet their current girlfriend or wife (some guys even email me regularly
to tell me about all the women they’re sleeping with) because I helped teach them how to
approach! And that always makes me feel like I’ve made a difference.

But along with those success stories, I also got a lot of questions and suggestions.

People would write in asking things like “What do I do AFTER I meet the girl?” “How
do you keep the conversation going?” “How do I feel more confident with women?”
“There’s a girl I like, how can I flirt with her?” “How can I make more friends?”

But more than that, people wanted to know how to apply these tactics to their daily lives.

I felt that my readers were telling me something – that they wanted more than I was
giving them.

That’s when I decided to revise The Art of Approaching.

You’ll find a great deal of extra material in the third edition of this book, most notably
new sections on Dating and Seduction. But every new page in this book stems from

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