The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

But Compliment Openers can work if done right.

By “Doing it right,” I mean complimenting a girl on something that is unique, and not
every guy will notice. This usually means complimenting her on something OUTSIDE
her physical beauty or fashion tastes.

Not only will this kind of Opener make the girl feel good, but will make you stand out
from all the other Moes who approach her.


Compliment Openers can be difficult because you have to have something to compliment
the girl on. So with that in mind, you must first notice something about the girl you can

The structure of a good Compliment Opener is as follows:

Notice something unique about the girl Æ Intruder Æ Compliment your Target on
her Unique Trait. Æ Question or Introduction

You are usually looking for something that is “outside” the girl’s normal reality to
comment on. Something she may not know or others may not notice about her.

This usually has to do with her body language, attitude, or energy. Once you establish
this unique trait, lead it into a conversation by asking her about it or introducing yourself.


--The “Dancer” Opener

This is a good one to use if you’ve gotten a chance to see a woman walking in
some way. Simply approach and say:

“Hey, are you by any chance a dancer? Because you move with such
grace and confidence, you have to be professionally trained. Who’s your

If she says she’s not a dancer, follow up with:

“Well, I bet if we get you in a club that’s a different story.”

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