The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
Complimenting a girl on the way she moves has a somewhat sexual undertone,
but is not overtly sexual. Nor does it telegraph interest on your part.

Noticing the way a woman moves and commenting on it can be quite flattering to
any woman, because they’re not used to hearing about it.

--The “Walking in Heels” Opener

This is an Opener you can use if a woman is wearing high heels. Walk up to her
and say:

You: “How high are those heels?”
Her: (answer)
You: “Wow, you know, you really know how to walk in them. Most
women are so clumsy and uncoordinated. It’s such a lost art. Good to
know there are still some women around who know how to do it right.
Did you have to go to charm school for that? How’d you learn?”

This is a strong compliment because it implies a certain kind of sophistication on
the woman’s part. It also exalts her from other women and makes her feel like
she stands out from the crowd.

This is another compliment that is subtly sexual, because walking in heels is a
very feminine thing to do, and by complimenting her on it, you are really
complimenting her on her femininity.

--The “Settle Down” Opener

I like to use this one on girls who are dancing, having fun, and generally being the
“life of the party,” so to speak.

(Walk up to the girl)”Hey now, you have to settle down. You’re making
all the other girls look bad! That’s not cool.”

This is, of course, meant to be said in a joking manner. You are complimenting
the girl on outshining all the other girls in the vicinity in a funny way that’s not
too direct. I have opened a great many successful interactions with this Opener.
The best follow up I’ve found is this:

“But, if you REALLY wanna get everyone jealous, let’s show them how
it’s done!”

And then proceed to dance with them or drag them to the dance floor.

--The “Confidence” Opener

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