The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
You can use this Opener with any girl who seems very assertive or opinionated.

Also, if it looks like the girl knows where she’s going or what she’s doing, this is
a good one to throw at her.

“Wow, you are SO confident! Are you like the CEO of a company or
something? Because you act so completely sure of yourself, it’s amazing.
Do you find that people are often too intimidated to talk to you?”

Women like to be told that they seem strong and confident.

And the thing about people being intimidated to talk to them will often strike a
chord with women because, especially if they are beautiful, they might find that
people often ARE intimidated by them.

--The “Girly Girl” Opener

This is one to use if your target is very feminine.

What we mean by “girly” is when a girl is almost immature in her femininity.
Most young party girls will often act overly “girly.”

“Oh my God, you are so GIRLY! You know, most women today think
they have to be all tough and macho because of feminism and stuff. It’s so
great to see there are still girls out there who like being girls.”

I like this Opener because you are complimenting her on something that she’s
probably been made fun of about in the past, and she’s probably rather insecure
about it.

But like the “Walking in Heels” Opener, this one points out her femininity and
encourages it, and therefore has subtle sexual undertones.


As the old saying goes: “Flattery will get you everywhere.” You just have to know the
right things to flatter. With Compliment Openers, you can Open anyone in a way where
they are guaranteed not to be offended. You just need to make sure you are sincere
enough in your compliments so as not to telegraph your intentions.

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