The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1
“Well, his friends helped him up and the guy snapped out of it and he
started talking shit again. So the mohawk guy comes back and tries to
throw down, and their friends are holding them apart.

Eventually the cops show up and everyone gets arrested. The funny thing
is, these guys who got arrested drove their girlfriends to the club, so these
poor girls were stranded.

Me and my buddies ended up taking them to get something to eat and then
home. We’re lovers, not fighters, you know?

But I’m sure those guys worked out their differences in prison.”

This Opener is meant to show that you’re more of an intellectual than a ruffian,
and that you look down your nose at physical violence, and prefer to be a good
lover as opposed to a good fighter, as you imply with the resolution of the story.

--The “Cat Fight” Opener

Like the “Street Brawl” Opener, this one has to do with two GIRLS fighting as
opposed to two GUYS.

There’s a different dynamic when girls fight because in a way it’s more rare and
interesting to hear about than guys throwing down.

This Opener works best on groups made up of only women.

“Hey guys, you won’t believe what I just saw.

I was outside this bar, and there were these two girls arguing with each
other. I guess they used to be best friends or something, and one of them
stole the other girl’s boyfriend.

All of a sudden, one of them grabs the other by the hair and DRAGS her
down to the ground!

And they’re on the ground clawing at each other and slamming their heads
into the concrete, and the guy they’re fighting over is standing there with
his friends LAUGHING at them, like it’s sooooo cool that he has two girls
fighting over them.

Can you believe that?”

(Next, use this Resolution.)

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