The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


To call this an “Insult” Opener is a bit of a misnomer.

Perhaps a better name for it would be an “Undermining” Opener, because the purpose of
this Opener is to say something nice to someone to Open them up, but then undermine it
right away to make the person you’re Opening insecure to the point where they feel the
need to either correct you or prove themselves to you.

The reason for doing this may be because your target has too high a perceived social
value or is being obnoxious or bitchy.

This can be a tricky type of Opener to pull off, because you do run the risk of offending
your target. But sometimes people need to be humbled before they are able to relate to
you on a more personal level, and the Insult Opener is the best way to do it.

Probably the best trait of an Insult Opener is that it forces your target to engage you.

This type of Opener is meant to either create or prey on insecurities that are already
present within your target, and get them to try and explain to you why these insecurities
exist. Once this happens, the target is effectively engaging YOU.

This is the real power of an Insult Opener, because anytime your target feels the need to
prove something to you, it ups your perceived social value in their eyes on a
subconscious level.


A good Insult Opener is never overtly insulting. Rather, it’s more of an “unkind
compliment.” Something where people know it wasn’t quite a nice thing to say, but they
can’t tell for sure.

The structure of the Insult Opener is:

Intruder Æ Compliment Æ Undermining Statement

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