The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


With the popularity of the Internet, it is impossible to dismiss it as a way to meet the girl
of your dreams.

We’ve all heard the stories of people finding their soulmates and one true loves through
places like and Yahoo! Personals.

In a way, meeting people Online can be so much easier than meeting people in real life.

Then again, in other ways, it can be more difficult.

Difficult because you have no knowledge of their environment, or even if they are who
they say they are. But regardless, there are tricks you can do Online to get people
interested in talking to you and meeting in real life.


The structure of Online Approaches varies, but I’ll lay out the ones I have used with great
effect. There are two kinds of structures for approaching online: one for E-Mail, and
another for Instant Messaging.


Greeting Æ Funny Demonstration of your Target’s Reality Æ Create Curiosity
about Yourself Æ Issue a Challenge.

Instant Messaging

Greeting Æ Issue a Challenge

You’ll notice that the structure for an E-Mail Opening is more involved than the Instant
Message Opening. This is because Instant Messaging is meant to engage the target
quickly before she is distracted by something else. E-mail allows you to take your time a
bit and build a letter that will engage her better.

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