The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

You also always want to include your personal e-mail address so women who aren’t
subscribed to the service can e-mail you back if they like your letter.

But if you notice the structure of the e-mail, in the first paragraph, I showed I have an
understanding of her reality in a funny way.

The fact is, most internet girls got LOADS of responses from loser men every day. So
by making fun of that, she instantly connects with me and what I’ve written.

In the second paragraph, I create curiosity be talking about myself in an overblown
manner, and then undermining it by saying I’m modest.

This’ll make women curious to know who I REALLY am.

And in the last paragraph, I issue a challenge.

This is why I think I get so many responses from this e-mail, because I’ve set up I’m
funny and interesting, but I make it sound like she isn’t, so now she’s got something to
prove to me.

And the only way she can do that is to e-mail me back.

You can follow the exact same structure in any e-mail you send out. I’m sure it’ll get just
as good of results!

--The “Who are You?” Opener

This Opener I use primarily for Instant Messaging. It’s quick, easy, and issues a
challenge quite nicely.

“Hey, who are you and what are you doing on my computer?”

This’ll start up the IM conversation quite nicely.

--The “Dork” Opener

This is another Instant Message Opener that is meant to issue a challenge quickly
and get a conversation going.

“What’s up, dork?”

Calling a girl a Dork is an inherent challenge. Inevitably, they’ll try and prove to
you they aren’t a dork, or argue with you about it. Before you know it, they’re in
a conversation.

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