The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

But there are skills that are effective, proven to work, and have stood the test of time.
They are skills that only 10% of the world’s male population know and make use of – but
none of them teach.

It is true that I believe 90% of the men in this world completely lack the skills necessary
to be truly happy with their relationships. Some settle for what they can get. Some get
lucky. Some struggle for years to find a mate. Some never find one.

To think you are a loser for seeking out help with your love life is false. Knowing you’re
not happy and seeking help to fix that is smart. It’s healthy. But above all, it’s necessary.

You would not think there was something wrong with you if you sought out help learning
to read, or do math, or fix a car, or build a house.

But so many people think that learning to do something as vital to your happiness as
finding a good woman you can love and love you back means there’s something wrong
with them! That they’re a loser, or a failure.

That is just, plain, WRONG.

The very fact that you’re reading this book right now says a lot about you. It says you’re
willing to change, to start developing your skills in relationships with women so you can
find true happiness.

The art of relationship skills is about laying a foundation upon which to build a strong
skill set that will help you to powerfully meet, date, and attract women of your choosing.

It is about setting the stage for what is to come.

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