The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


When you go to a movie, you see actors up on screen playing a role.

It can be any role they are given – a nun, a wife, a mother, a whore, a rock star, a marine

  • the possibilities are endless.

But many people might not realize that you don’t have to be in a movie to play a certain

We all have an acting streak in us, and we all play different roles in our lives. When
you’re at work, you’re an employee. When you’re with your parent’s you’re their son or
daughter. When you’re playing football, you’re a tight end, or any other position you
may play.

But regardless of what that is, you are cast in a role.

Part of using Roleplay Openers is to cast the people you’re Opening in a certain roll, a
roll which has the characteristics you want them to have.

The theory behind this is the person who you cast will eventually start displaying
characteristics of that role you gave them.

So if you cast yourself as a rockstar and your target as your groupie, you can certainly see
the possibilities of this type of Opener, right?


The structure of the Roleplay Opener is one where you must set the stage for the roll you
wish your target to play, and then establish roles for them and for yourself. Then
illustrate how your roles will interact together.

Intruder Æ Set the Stage for the Roleplaying Æ Assign your Target a role Æ Assign
yourself a Role Æ Give examples of how you will Interact

There is no limit to how you can manipulate these types of Openers to make people act
the way you want to.

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