The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


Most of us have heard the saying “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single
step.” I would like to modify that statement a little. Instead I would say “A journey of a
thousand miles begins with a baby step.”

I emphasize this because I have seen too many people attempt to take the “Great Leap
Forward” instead of taking baby steps.

We have all seen people, who are completely out of shape, suddenly decide to lose 20
pounds and get into shape. They begin a crash diet, go to the gym for two hours, and
then jog 10 miles. This lasts maybe a week. They lose a few pounds, and then the pain,
boredom, and hunger begin to wear away at their will power and determination. By the
third week, their old habits of overeating, lack of exercise, and television are back in

Instead of taking a “Great Leap Forward,” I would strongly recommend taking a baby
step forward.

Long term success with women is not measured on how much material you memorize or
how many women you approach. Long term success with women is measured in the
number of steps, in which direction you’re moving and in numbers of years.

We have all heard the saying “Rome was not built in a day.” So you can’t expect to
become a true Don Juan overnight.

That doesn’t mean you can’t expect results overnight, though. It all depends on how you
define your results.

There’s an old joke that goes “How do you eat an elephant?” The answer is “One bite at
a time.” And that is how I recommend you proceed if you find yourself feeling even a
little bit overwhelmed by how much you have to learn in order to have the kind of love
life you desire.

Please be kind to yourself and realize that the transition is more than just mental learning,
the process also involves emotional learning. After you can take baby steps for six
months to a year, you are ready for the next saying which is “You have to walk before
you can run.” In other words, you go from baby steps, to walking, and then to running.

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