“Actually, you seem nice enough. I take it back, we can go out. Let’s get
together at (someplace) at (sometime).”
If she tries to tell you she has a boyfriend or get back to her original question, just
“Why were you hitting on me if you didn’t want to go out?”
Obviously, there are a lot of places you can go with this.
--The “Attention Whore” Opener
If there is one thing you can count on, it’s girl’s cattiness towards other girls. A
good way to Open some girls is to engage in such cattiness with them.
For instance, if you see a girl acting outrageously to court attention from other
men, such as being overtly sexual or flashing her breasts, simply turn to other
women who notice the same thing and say:
“Ugh! What an attention whore!”
Then proceed to gossip with the girls about how inappropriate the other girl is
--The “Crash and Burn” Opener
Inevitably, you will see another man hit on a woman and “Crash and Burn.” Or in
other words: Fail Miserably.
When this happens, approach his target immediately afterwards and say:
“Okay, honestly, how did he do?”
Girls love this because it gives them a chance to vent about all the lame come-ons
people use on them.
Not only that, but it opens the door for a conversation about what WILL work on
This is also good because it falsely disqualifies you as a guy who’s hitting on her,
when the reality is quite the opposite.
--The “Player” Opener
This is an Opener you can use when you see a guy with more than one woman
with him.
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