The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


I was not always someone worthy of teaching men how to meet women.

Far, far from it.

In fact, if you had known me back in 1998, the idea that I should be teaching anyone
anything about dating was almost laughable.

The reason is: I was the biggest loser with women you’ve ever seen.

Seriously, I couldn’t get a date to save my life. But then, something changed for me. It
was a profound change – a moment in my life where I turned a corner and decided I was
not content with the results I was getting.

This is a very personal story for me, and I want to share it with you so you know where it
is I am coming from...

In the fall of 1998, I was a sophomore in college. There were girls everywhere, beautiful,
corn-fed mid-western girls with mid-western values they were just dying to rebel against.

And me, being 20 years old, wanted to get in on that action.

But I was getting nothing.

Between my Italian genes on my mom’s side and my Lithuanian genes on my father’s
side, I wasn’t exactly the most prime specimen of male beauty.

In fact, I was far from it.

I weighed in at close to 300 lbs (which, for a guy who’s an inch or two taller than six feet,
isn’t all that bad, but I still looked very fat), had bad acne with blotchy red marks from
past acne littering my face, and just a hint that my hair was starting the long painfully
slow process of falling out.

In short: I was not a good looking guy.

At least, I didn’t feel that way. And in my mind, that meant that no girl on campus could
ever possibly find me attractive.

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