The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


In many ways, my conversation with Mike in that coffee house was the catalyst that
helped me to achieve some great success in my love life.

Mike’s outlook and attitude about attraction is actually a common one.

I see it all too often.

I’ll meet some guys who want to improve their success with women, and they’ll start
hanging off my every word, taking notes like what I was saying was scripture.

But then, they never actually go out and apply it.

When I ask them why, they say things to me like:

“It’s not natural. If I just be myself, I’ll eventually get the girl.”

“If I have to learn how to be good with women, that makes me a loser.”

“Women just don’t like me. There’s something wrong with me that I can’t fix.”

Because of television and movies, lots of men have a misconception that they’re just
supposed to NATURALLY know how to attract women.

This is a BIG misconception.

Attraction is a skill, just like Basketball is a skill, or golfing is a skill, or carpentry,
playing video games, and cooking.

You’re not born knowing how to do these things. You LEARN how to do them.

If you think there’s something wrong with you because you aren’t good at attracting
women, then guess what – you’re wrong!

Dead wrong.

You can, in fact, attract women. You SHOULD attract women. You just don’t know
how to.

And every excuse you can think of not to attract women is just that – an excuse.

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