The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

It’s motivated by fear. By uncertainty.

If you feel unnatural doing these things to attract women, that’s a GOOD thing!

Think about it: If what you feel comfortable doing never works, then what you feel
UNCOMFORTABLE doing should work, right?

It’s funny, because often times I’ll meet women who ask me what I do.

I tell them: “I teach dating advice for men.”

Surprisingly, most women are really interested in this. It doesn’t freak them out at all.
Why? Because they WISH more men knew how to make them happy.

But occasionally I’ll get a woman who gets upset about this. They’ll raise similar
objections to what the men above said. They’ll say things like:

“That’s manipulative! You should be ashamed of yourself!”

“You’re a loser and those guys are losers for needing you!”

“It’s all bullshit. You just need to be yourself and that’s it.”

One time, when I was out with a friend of mine, she introduced me to one of her friends
named Caroline.

Caroline had the very same reaction listed above when I told her what I did. If looks
could kill, I’d have been dead many times over.

But rather than just dismissing her as a “bitch,” or get upset, I calmly said to her:

“Would you mind if I asked you a question?”

“What?” she replied.

“Before I ask you, I want you to know that I don’t say this to be mean or make fun of you.
I genuinely want to know this. But if you’re uncomfortable, you don’t have to answer
this question, deal?”

“Okay...” she said suspiciously.

“Have you ever been hurt or mistreated by a man?” I asked.

And the answer (in every case I’ve run across) was a resounding: “Yes.”

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