The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

In Caroline’s case, she had come out of an abusive relationship with her former boyfriend.
She was obviously harboring a lot of resentment. So I said...

“Let me ask you this... let’s say there’s a guy out there who is your ideal man. He’s
everything you could ever hope for, and has all the qualities you’ve ever desired in a

“He doesn’t exist.” She interjected.

“But let’s say he does,” I persisted. “Let’s say he’s out there and you just haven’t found
him yet. Do you believe there’s someone out there who could actually make you

“I guess.”

“Okay,” I continued. “Let’s say this guy is looking for a woman just like you. You’re
his ideal woman, just like he’s your ideal man. But due to various circumstances, he’s
been hurt by women in the past, and his confidence is shot. And one day, when the stars
align, you two happen to cross paths. But because he has these issues with confidence, or
bad beliefs, or whatever, instead of walking up to meet you, he chickens out, and you two
never get together, and never experience the kind of happiness you two could bring each

(By this time, I had Caroline’s full attention.)

“Now let’s say that this guy wanted to solve his confidence problem. So he buys my
book, and learns how to overcome what’s holding him back. So instead of chickening
out, he actually finds it within himself to meet you. You two hit it off, realize you’re soul
mates, and you get together and bring each other the kind of life-fulfilling happiness you
both want and deserve. Now I ask you, which is worse? Scenario A, or Scenario B?”

“The first one,” she says.

“Right. Now, take that situation, and apply it to every single guy in the world. Every
guy out there has something that either keeps him from sharing how good he is with
women, or makes him angry and bitter and causes him to mistreat women. If I come
along and help those guys to be confident and treat women in a way where they’re happy
and the woman they’re with is happy, is that still such a bad thing?”

“No, not when you put it like that.”

As you can see, once Caroline truly understood the importance of men learning to attract
women, she accepted it.

The same is true of you.

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