The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

“I know,” I said, not wanting to hear it.

“That was the most amazing thing I’d ever seen!” he finished.

I look up at him. “What?”

“I can’t believe you danced with those two girls, man,” said Paul. “They were HOT!”

I looked at them in disbelief. “Were you guys watching the same thing I was? They
walked away.”

“But dude, you danced with them! That took some balls. I’d have never been able to do
that,” said Chris.

“Me neither,” said Paul. “Matthews is a stud!”

Paul gave me a chummy punch in the shoulder as Chris poured me another drink.

“We have to toast to your success,” he said.

“But... but I failed. I got rejected,” I said.

“So what? You did it. That’s what matters,” said Paul.

As Chris finished pouring, the four girls got up to leave for greener pastures. As they
were heading out the door, Chris raised his glass and yelled “Come back any time ladies!
Joe’ll dance with all of you!”

The girls laughed and waved good-bye. One of the girls I danced with even blew me a
kiss before she left.

I was shocked. Not just by the reaction of my friends (which I didn’t expect), but by the
reaction of the girls as they left. Though I had struck out, it was as though my effort
garnered some respect from them, and their playful farewell was a reward for my efforts.

That was my first real lesson in pick-up and dating – learning comes from experience.
Experience comes from action. And even if you fail, you can learn from your failures.

What seems to happen a lot is that when a guy finally works up the courage to break out
of his comfort zone and do something crazy to meet a woman, and it doesn’t turn out the
way he wanted, he’ll chalk it up as a failure and feel rejected.

And in order to get rid of that feeling, he’ll block out what happened, and promise never
to “do that again” to protect himself from ever having to feel that way.

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