The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

But it’s those opportunities and experiences that teach us the most valuable lessons we
can learn about women, social interaction, dating, and relationships. It’s when things go
wrong that you learn what NOT to do – which in many ways is just as important to know
as what TO do.

Looking back on that experience, I now know what NOT to do.

The girls on the dance floor were in their own world. I invaded that world, a stranger to
them, and made the situation (which was fun for them a moment before) uncomfortable.

Had I instead approached the table with their two friends, and joined them, and gotten the
social proof I needed, I could have introduced my friends into the group and asked one of
them to dance with me.

That way, I’d be infiltrating the group and establishing a connection BEFORE moving in
on them.

When I just jumped on stage and started dancing with them, their defenses went up. Had
I approached under the radar, it would have been a very different experience.

But the biggest lesson I learned wasn’t that. It was the idea that failure is a subjective

My two friends saw that interaction as an amazing success. They saw their meek buddy
have the courage to try something they were not willing to try, and praised me for it –
even though I didn’t feel I deserved the praise.

I focused on the failure. It was not until they pointed out what I DID achieve that I
realized what I had done was actually impressive.

That is what you must realize.

Understand: In your journey to master the art of dating, you will meet with failure,
rejection, and set backs.

BUT... if you are willing to focus on the positives and not the negatives, you will
continue to grow and get better and meeting and attracting women.

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