The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

And what’s true for Carl is true for all men out there.

We all have things we don’t like about our looks or our situations. We think we have to
make changes with our lives before we can try attracting women. Be it losing weight,
making more money, having a new wardrobe, driving a new car, living in a nicer place...

But the reality is IT DOESN’T MATTER.

Do not make excuses to not meet women. Find reasons TO approach rather than reasons
NOT to approach.

All learning takes place in the field. I can impart as much advice on you as you want, but
unless you use that advice, and make your mistakes, you will never truly know success.

And if you allow excuses to keep you from learning, you will REALLY never have

Do not wait for perfection, because it will never come. Take who you are and what you
have, and work WITH it.

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