The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Do you realize the power in that? The idea that a simple thought that leads to action
which in turn leads to a change in belief in not just one person, but an entire world, is
nothing short of mind-blowing.

But it happens ALL THE TIME. And most people don’t even realize it!

What you think and believe plays a vital role in your success with women, because that is
what dictates to you what is possible and what isn’t.

When I was first starting out learning how to meet and pick up women, I had a certain set
of beliefs. I believed that you had to be good looking to attract a woman, that you had to
act a certain way, say certain things, and that it was a difficult endeavor to get any
woman interested in me.

And because I believed that, it was true!

It wasn’t until later, after a few of my breakthroughs, that I realized by changing my
beliefs and thoughts about women, dating, and attraction, I could change my results.

Let me ask you a question: When you look in the mirror, do you listen to the words?

A mirror reflects back more than just a visual image. A mirror often reflects back what
we are thinking and feeling. How often have you looked in the mirror and said things

“God, I look horrible!”
“I’m so fat!”
“My hair is falling out...”
“I’m getting old.”
“How could anyone find me attractive? I don’t even find me attractive!”

Have you heard these words or words that are similar to this in your head when looking
into a mirror?

Understand: Thoughts are reflections of how we see ourselves, how we see the world
around us, and how others see us as well.

As I said, mirrors reflect back much more than just what the eyes see.

Mirrors also reflect back our thoughts, often our opinions of ourselves.

These thoughts or opinions are much more important that our outwardly appearance.

Many of us have met people who are beautiful on the outside, but inside they think they
are ugly. Or people who are greatly loved by others, but they cannot love themselves.

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