The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1

Be mindful of your objections and look at what is behind them. Figure out why you are
trying to talk yourself out of doing something by telling yourself lies. Find the truths
behind them.

If you think to yourself: “Women only go after super-good looking guys,” what are you
really saying? Is this a personal truth? Or a personal lie?

Answer: Its both.

It’s a lie that women ONLY go after good looking guys. But it’s a truth because you
make yourself believe it.

The truth behind that lie might be something like “I don’t like the way I look and can’t
imagine any woman being attracted to me, so they must only be attracted to guys who
look better than I do.”

Now that you know that personal truth, you have a choice to make. You can go on
believing that, OR you can change your perception to something like “I like the way I
look and think a woman would be LUCKY to get with me.”

When given the option between those two truths, which one would you rather believe in?
The negative, or the positive?

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