The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


You don’t have to be male-model good looking, incredibly smart, or incredibly rich to be

But you need to have something that’s far more important than any of those things.

Something that is always with you and always projecting definitive signals which are
imperative for a romantic encounter with a woman.

The right Body Language.

With the right body language, when you enter a room, you will signal the “I’m available,
I’m masculine, I’m aggressive, and I know what I’m doing” vibe to every woman there.

And when you have your target in your sights, you can quickly and easily communicate
to her “I’m interested in you, you attract me, and I want to get to know you better.”

Women pick up on the subtle signals men put out. It’s time you learned how best to use
them to your advantage.

And the best way to do this is to learn how to use your body.

This is something everyone can learn how to do, and can help put you on equal footing
with guys who are better looking than you are!

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