The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


“Feet apart!” the instructor yelled.

He kicked my right foot to move it further away from my left foot.

“Ow!” I said. “Why are you kicking me?”

“Dude,” exclaimed the instructor, “Your feet are too close together! You have to have a
broad stance to project your ALPHA ENERGY.”

“But my feet are already shoulder- length apart,” I said. “Any wider and I’ll look like
I’m straddling a horse. Besides, who’s going to be looking at my feet in here?”

I gestured to the scene around me. We were in the Saddle Ranch, a cowboy/western bar
in Hollywood famous for its mechanical bull which drunk girls would ride for the bar’s
amusement. It was a Thursday night, and the place was packed.

I was taking my first in-field workshop. My instructor, a rather nervous looking kid with
spiky red hair and high, squeaky voice was trying to instruct me.

“Dude, you serious?” he said. “Girls NOTICE shoes, dude. They look at your feet!”

“Okay, fine,” I said.

“Shoulders back,” he continued. “Leave your hands at your side. Don’t put them in your

“This doesn’t feel right,” I said.

“But it looks right, that’s what matters!” said my instructor. “You have to be ALPHA!
Otherwise girls aren’t going to waste their time with you.”

With that, my instructor left to fix the feet of another student. I stood in the middle of the
bar, feet spread apart, shoulders back, standing up straight, with my arms at my side. A
cute little redhead carrying two beers passed me by, and stopped, looking at me.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Yeah,” I replied. “Why?”

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