The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


The belief that everyone sees you in the way you see yourself can be traumatic, especially
if you are self critical to the extreme. It’s enough to make you want to lock yourself
away from the outside world and live as a hermit for the rest of your life, solitary and

But there’s a problem with that plan: We are never alone.

We are always involved in a continual conversation with ourselves in our mind – a
dialogue about what we can do, what we should risk, and what we must avoid.

Our brain is constantly reminding us about the kind of person we THINK we are. No
matter where we are or what we’re doing, our brain is always there to call up everything
that’s wrong with us. This could be triggered by looking in the mirror, interacting with
other people, or thinking about a particular problem. But no matter what triggers these
thoughts, they can all be boiled down to one thing:


Feelings play a big part when we paint a picture in our minds of who we are. Smart
people can feel stupid. Thin people can feel fat. Youthful people can feel old. Talented
people can feel like losers.

In my opinion, there are five central myths that people who lack confidence create and
maintain about themselves. All kinds of doubt, judgment, and anxiety stem from one or a
combination of these myths. These ideas generate shame and self-pity and can damage
your confidence. They are the idea that you are:

  • Stupid

  • Fat

  • Old

  • Ugly

  • A Loser

These are the five most common confidence-threatening, fiction-based myths people
perpetuate. These five simple myths are designed to make your life difficult and make
you miserable and certain to fall short of your potential for happiness.

Like being “Stupid,” for instance. Have you ever pointed at yourself in the mirror
critically, thinking to yourself:

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