The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


They say actions speak louder than words, and truer words were never spoken.

It’s one thing to think you’re fat, but if you spend all day eating bad foods and feeling
stuffed and bloated, then you’re brain says to itself “Hey, wait a minute! I just don’t
think I LOOK fat, but I FEEL fat too! That means I MUST be FAT!”

The same can be said of feeling Old, Ugly, Stupid, and being a Loser. There are actions
that you perform that re-enforce all your negative beliefs.

I’d say there are probably five actions that go along with the five myths, and you will see
these are the most common behaviors that result from loser feelings and generate even
more negative feelings. They are:

  • Bingeing

  • Pleasing

  • Whining

  • Procrastinating

  • Avoiding

These five actions are in a club no one wants to belong to, but once a member, you
cannot seem to resign from. This is because beliefs, combined with actions, generate

Habits of thought and habits of action. What you practice becomes your reality, and if
you practice thinking and acting Old, Fat, Ugly, Stupid, and like a Loser, you are taking
part in a self-fulfilling prophesy.

Good habits can generate amazing success in life. But the bad habits can generate shame,
self-pity, anger, and anxiety -- all of which can completely and utterly destroy your

Let’s further define these actions.

The Binger. Binging doesn’t just have to do with being Fat, it can relate to all the myths
you have about yourself. Binging is the action of excess. It’s always about one more
hamburger, one more drink, one more hit of ecstasy, one more lap dance. The binger
feels out of control, like he can’t help himself, and spirals down to extremes he feels
ashamed of. It’s this loss of control that makes him feel helpless, and reinforces all the
negative thoughts he has about himself.

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