The Art of Approaching

(Rick Simeone) #1


Just like the five myths and five actions, there’s five habits you’ll want to avoid if you
want to shed the negative feelings you’re comfortable with and start experiencing the
great feelings that are available to you. These habits are:

  • Comparing

  • Critiquing

  • Criticizing

  • Alarming

  • Crippling

Let’s go down the list...

Comparing: People with the bad, confidence-destroying habits use comparisons as
attempts to prove, beyond any doubt, that they are inferior or superior in some way to
another person.

Whenever you say “I’m better looking than that guy, I can get more girls than him,” or
“That girl is ugly, I could easily get her to sleep with me,” you’re giving yourself false
approval that provides false courage.

The effect is temporary and never fixes the deep-rooted problem of your bad habit.


Because this is a solution at the expense of putting down another person! When you do
this, you are still relying on other people for your own sense of validation.

Confident people don’t feel the need to put themselves or others down. Connections to
others and popularity are byproducts of confidence. Confident people will see others as
equals and will offer to help instead of criticize. Beliefs of superiority or inferiority on
your part will only hurt you in the long run.

Critiquing: Constantly sitting in judgment is unhealthy. The act of critiquing is a self-
centered habit, especially when you apply it to yourself (ie: being self-judgmental).

It’s easy to justify a critiquing nature as a way to avoid being criticized or even as a form
of self improvement. But this habit only invites that which we hope to avoid by using it!
It causes us to be so into our own thoughts that we distance ourselves from others.

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